Hello, Webacy World:

On this Dia de los Muertos, we wanted to welcome you to Webacy: a platform for managing life after death. Today, our digital lives are more complex than our physical lives. We own more accounts, generate more content, and own more assets than anything we might own physically. Yet very little technology and software exist to help sort these things out for when the inevitable occurs.

Webacy allows you to decide what you want to do with your digital life while you’re still alive, and everything in between. Webacy also helps the families of those who have recently passed to help guide through the digital aftercare process.

Webacy was started earlier this year when we as co-founders got together and realized that 2020 was a difficult year for both of us in terms of grief and loss. Beyond the challenges of what the world was facing, we had both faced personal experiences that involved untimely deaths that left family members in a lurch. Families wanted to obtain digital assets and memories and were quite distraught in the process when everything was unclear. Seeking a better solution, and wanting a better transition for every single living person on this planet, we began to build Webacy.

Who We Are

While our company deals primarily with questions and issues surrounding mortality, we are a team of life enthusiasts. Maika is a former Cirque Du Soleil aerial acrobat, turned software engineer and philosopher. Our team is full of adventure seekers and life-long learners. We know life is precious. We know our digital lives in the metaverse are now more important than ever before.

“Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal.
– Ernest Hemingway”

We believe that death does not necessarily mean the end, and that our digital lives can provide a means through which we can live on. Our goal was to provide people with a way to curate how their digital life could continue to carry on their memory after death. It is our belief that everyone has the right to decide how their data will be used in their absence while they are still alive.

We built this code of ethics around our beliefs. We wanted to make sure the world understands that Webacy is here for maintaining digital responsibility when it comes to one of the most important things in life: our second life.

What We See Today

Mourning and grieving digitally is different. In many ways, the way we used to grieve is entirely different than today. The definition has changed. With this, we can build an entirely different premise. Control your digital life today, bring family and friends closer to you than ever before - when you’re physically gone.

To guide our work and how we understand the sensitive interplay between grief and technology, we have consulted with grief experts at every step of the way. In addition, our firm will be working closely with the nonprofit company Grief Matters, which offers an extensive array of resources to assist those who have lost a loved one.

Where We Are Going

A core part of how Webacy works is our interaction with Blockchain technology. A big part of our assets now live on the blockchain. Blockchain technologies were built with the spirit of decentralization, community, and seamlessness (to a degree). We’ve built our products with this in mind: ownership transfer should be seamless, decentralized, and should benefit your loved ones, and eventually the community.

We see a future where when we leave this world physically, everything, outside of our grief, is taken care of in one motion. We see a world where grief turns into celebration, remembrance, and conversations with loved ones that can last multiple lifetimes.

Lastly: We Are Hiring

We are hiring for roles in legal, engineering, business development, and operations. Please email info ‘at’ webacy ‘dot’ co for more information.

Memento mori, but most importantly: memento vivere,

Maika and Brian

p.s. we created this nifty Google Chrome Plug-in to help you memento mori (remembering your mortality/death). We hope you like it and spread the word.


You can connect with Webacy on Instagram and Twitter.