What Your Sign Says About Your Crypto Safety Habits

Ever wonder what your astrological sign says about your crypto habits, security level or lack thereof? Look no further. The team at Webacy has carefully read the security tea leaves, putting together an astrological reading of each sign’s security habits. Also while you’re at it, check out our newly launched Risk Score (which unlike astrology), pulls tangible transaction data to tell you how risky your wallets are to hacks and vulnerabilities.

In all seriousness, we hope this quippy horoscope provides some much needed laughter, and inspiration to take action towards securing your digital assets. Afterall, what is astrology but to provide guidance on what to do in particular situations. Thanks to Webacy’s Wallet Watch, Panic Button, and Backup Wallet, you are so close to securing your digital asset profile, regardless of your sign.

♈️ Aries

Ambitious, bold and very determined.

Uses every single product on the market without a second thought. Goes the extra mile by creating counter-hack booby traps for potential hackers. Gets annoyed when transaction simulators blocks them from making an impulsive transaction, are you sure you trust this site?

♉️ Taurus

Gentle souls who love routine, and are grounded in patience and pragmatism.

Sets up their Ledger Wallet (Nano S for $69, and not a penny more) the day it arrives in the mail (they would never risk buying from a 3rd Party). Spends 6 hours setting it up to ensure all is working as intended. Goes the extra mile by signing up for Wallet Watch and tracks continuously.

♊️ Gemini

Social chameleons, adaptable and has varied interests.

Relies on Ledger, Trezor and Arculus wallets and will jump at the hottest new cold wallet, YC’s latest batch of security startups, and switch between wallet extensions. Geminis can be unreliable when it comes to protecting themselves, as they tend to gravitate towards the next best thing.

♋️ Cancer

Emotionally transparent, intuitive, and loyal.

Gets very overwhelmed when setting up their Ledger Wallets, but does this despite. Is incredible brand-loyal (using Webacy’s product suite obviously) but is likely only setting up security features because their partner is making them. Cancers tend to sense incoming vulnerabilities, and panics at every Wallet Watch notification, even if it's just receiving ETH from a friend for their birthday.

♌️ Leo

Natural leaders, attention-seeking, ambitious, and determined.

Leos take their security seriously, and public. They are the Webacy brand ambassador and most likely to shill security products at the Boys Club happy hour, while securing that dream job offer while they’re at it.

“Been in crypto since 2014” vibes.

Wallet Watch was a no-brainer “how are you supposed to know what's going on in your wallet?” “knowledge is power.”

♍️ Virgo

Laid back, intellectual, organized. Virgos are logical, practical, systematic, and always seeking to improve.

Keeps tabs on the newest security products, uses Webacy’s Wallet Watch, Backup Wallet and Panic button features like a pro – and is constantly helping others protect themselves against hacks and vulnerabilities. The Virgo keeps her private keys hidden under lock and key, and truly epitomizes health when it comes to securing her self custody. She even has gone the extra mile by setting up Webacy’s Crypto Will and has onboarded her siblings, and mom to crypto.

♎️ Libra

Level headed and an excellent judge of character. Not easily swayed.

Avoids getting lost in meaningless products, uses Webacy’s product suite, along with proper cold wallet storage to get her security job done. Carefully scrutinizes links, DMs, and projects for clues that might signal scams, rug-pulls, or hacks.

♏️ Scorpio

Emotional, calculating nature, control-freak tendencies, yet brave and loyal.

Checks in on the location of their private keys daily, cannot rest without knowing that the Backup Wallet is set up and in place. Constantly checks their Wallet Watch notifications for an impending hack, and is trigger-happy to hit the Panic Button.

♐️ Sagittarius

Ambitious, constantly seeking knowledge, adventure, and admiration.

Eager to know how the tech works behind the scenes, i.e. how does Webacy deploy smart contracts to keep my sh*it safe? Often found discussing the benefits of zk-proofs and rollups, while eagerly waiting for Wallet Watch to be chain-agnostic.

♑️ Capricorn

The most practical, renowned for its discipline, skilled navigation, and steadfastness. Appreciates the quantifiable and tangible.

Similar to the Virgo, Capricorn follows solid security practices. She is steadfast in her wallet protection tooling, and is disciplined about password resets and updating software. She is a tough wall to crack, and reflects well on her friends and family. Does not click on any link, connect wallets, or try/test anything. As a result, her Wallet Watch notifications are crickets.

♒️ Aquarius

Values innovation and humanitarianism, and is easy-going and sociable. Adaptable to their environment and pleasing to others.

Sees Webacy and other security tooling as a means to an end. Intrigued by new innovations being made in the space, and is excited to put her best security foot forward.

♓️ Pisces

Head in the clouds, struggles with decision-making and finds themselves stuck between fantasy and reality.

Oscillates between setting up Webacy’s Backup Wallet, and avoiding crypto at all costs. Then discovers Chat GPT and all is over from there.


Wherever on the scale you find yourself, safety in crypto is important for all astrological signs. Upgrade your security posture today by getting started with Webacy.